Call of Duty: Mobile Season 7 Will End Soon

Call of Duty: Mobile Season 7 Will End Soon

According to the official statement of the Activision, the 7th season of the Call of Duty: Mobile, called the Radioactive Agent, will end on the 9th of July. Even though it was delayed for a small period of time due to massive protests worldwide, occurred due to the death of George Floyd, it soon will come to its end.

The 7th Season Innovations

Among various new features that bring to the game, the Radioactive Agent was, for example, few new game modes, many new maps, and the battle royal significant expansion.

The last one brought seven different new locations. Among new game modes, the Attack of the Undead can be mentioned. And the maps like Gulag and Tunisia always will be loved and remembered by the gamers.

More About the Season Ending

According to all in-game banners, which can be found during the gaming process, and in the game menu, the season should end on the 9th of July. But, as the Activision uses all dates and times in the UTC, a time difference may occur for many players.

More About The 8th Season

The Call of Duty: Mobile’s 8th season will bring some new features, maps, and weapons into the game. According to the official information, the 8th season will begin later on the following week.

Among innovations, which was promised by the Activision, is the gaming map from the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare called the Highrise. Also, a new scorestreak, called Katana, will be added.