Patch Notes For Warzone and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Season 4 Released

Patch Notes For Warzone and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Season 4 Released

The new gaming process updates for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Warzone fourth season were released on the 10th of June. There is a lot of different brand new stuff there. So let's see in detail what do we get with it!

Challenges for Weapon Mastery

Now, when the player unlocks the golden weapon of any type, the Weapon Master Challenges become available. Each gun has at least eight different challenges, with its own rewards, which includes a vast number of play cards, and four different Emblems to rich.

The standard play challenge set includes Gold, Platinum, Damascus, and Obsidian challenges, two different Headshot competitions, and two other kill tournaments. If you complete challenges for the whole 51 weapons, you will get a special Play card, and sticker.

Warzone Event During Matches

When you are playing the Warzone battle royale match, now a few additional events may occur. They have a significant impact on the whole strategy of the game and gameplay approach.

Those events may occur at any time during the match without any further notices. Now, three different events existed. They are the Jailbreak, TheSupply Chopper, and the Fire Sale.

Contraband Contract System

That is a new rare contract system, which grants a player a permanent Blueprint Reward. Those type of contracts is usually spawning when the previous contract has ended. It would be best if you will collect the contraband briefcase as soon as possible.