Due to the Coronavirus Outbreak LEC Spring 2020 LAN Will Switch the Location

Due to the Coronavirus Outbreak LEC Spring 2020 LAN Will Switch the Location

The Riot games were about to hold the LEC Spring 2020 LAN in Budapest, the capital of Hungary. But, as the coronavirus outbreak dramatically raised the number of victims, the creators of League of Legends decided to switch the location.

So not so long ago, the news appeared on the official website of the League of Legend. It says that all players now have to move to Berlin, Germany, to take part in the competition. It also mentions that the main reason for this act is the coronavirus epidemy.

More details

The Riot games said in the statement that this action was undertaken in order to allow the visitors and fans to watch matches not only online, but also in the auditorium where all the players will be present.

Along with that, the organizers of the LEC Spring 2020 LAN also says, that if the spreading of the coronavirus will keep growing its temps, then they will "still have to take appropriate measures to ensure greater security."

There is a significant probability that all the following League of Legends championships will take part behind the closed doors. The same situation already happens with most of the sports competitions and a few e-sport championships.

More about the LEC

League of Legends European Championship (LEC) was founded in 2013. It gained its popularity in 2016. The most recent champions of this tournament were G2 esports (6 times in total).