Riot Games About to Release More Lore-connected Events

Riot Games About to Release More Lore-connected Events

Two events that were released not so long ago named The Pulsfire and the Galaxies are only the beginning of a prominent role oriented events update. The Riot Games about to add even more special events into the League of Legends soon.

More About New Events

According to Justin "Xenogenic" Hanson, the chief game designer of the League of Legends, the Riot Games want to expand the universe and allow players to have more agency.

"Our past event didn't quite hit the mark," said Justin "Xenogenic" Hanson. "The main goal for the rest period of 2020 is to expand the events, make them more interesting and inspiring for the gamers."

"We decided to do the brand new League of Legends, where there is a lot to explore (for example, lore), a lot to earn, many different things to do, and a few items to buy," added Justin "Xenogenic" Hanson.

More About This Year Events

Events of this year gave for players a lot of different unique lore information about the Dark Star universe. The player got a possibility to chose between two Lux's patches: evil (Dark Star) and good (Cosmic Court). Those now became an official part of the League of Legends official lore.

The next event of LoL will grant the player a possibility to "interact with the individuality, which is different for everyone." It will also bring two new heroes to the game - a masked assassin and a dreamy jungler.