Overwatch Experimental Mode With Three Damage Dealers Has Ended

Overwatch Experimental Mode With Three Damage Dealers Has Ended

Developers of the Overwatch are often trying to add some fresh tactical and strategical features and refresh the meta with inserting new standard team compositions into the game process.

The last time they tried to add a possibility to make teams that include three damage dealers, two supports, and only one tank. As many players complained, that was awful and completely broke the traditional teamplay process.

What Exactly the Update Grants

Three damage heroes in each team are far too much. One tank can not handle such a significant amount of damage even though this character type got some additional special abilities, massive health and armour increase.

For example, Zarya got a unique additional ability to give shields for every friendly character withing 8 meters near her at once, and the Roadhog after using its healing ability was leaving after his trace a cloud of fog, that healed characters from your team.

But even with all these exclusive bonuses and extras, three damage dealers were killing any tank extremally fast.

What Are the Main Conclusions

In the situation, when three damage dealers players teams face another three damage dealers players team, will always win those, whose DDs had more summarised overall damage per second.

Tanks and supports in such circumstances have almost no significant impact on the game process. It was an unnecessary experiment from the Blizzards developers team that probably will never show up again. Everybody hopes so, at least!