List of the Banned Characters for Overwatch League Week 12

List of the Banned Characters for Overwatch League Week 12

The 11th week of the Overwatch League was ended. And now, its time to see what characters will be moved out of the rotation for the following week. The answer will surprise you!

So here is the list of the characters that picking up is restricted of the Overwatch league during the whole 12th week:

  • Tank - Orisa
  • Support - Moira
  • Damage dealers - Tracer, Echo

Now, let's speak a few words about next week's bans.

Banned Tank - Orisa

A brilliant synergy of Orisas shield ability and her primary weapon grants a lot of direct damage for the whole team during massive battles. On the other hand, her shields are not the strongest in the entire game.

Banned support - Moira

That is not the first and not the last time when Moira gets into this list. Her powerful ult not only do lots of damage but also grants toons of healing to the allies. She is one of the most robust supports in a good player's hands.

Banned DD - Tracer, Echo

According to our prognoses, Echo will become the most banned from the rotation character very soon. She is so overpowered that she can even quickly destroy Winston while he is in his aggressive form. And that's 1 000 HP!

Tracer is a great counter pick for Echo. Probably it is the first reason why this character gets into the ban list. She is fast, does a lot of close direct damage, and can effectively move anywhere with her blinks.